Monday, October 26, 2009

Hughes Net and the FAP (fair access policy) BS

Notice: This is my opinion and views only!

I started this blog because I am so tired of getting "governed back" on my bandwidth when we exceed the FAP (I will include this at the bottom of the rant) If you have nay other option to you as far as internet access then do not get HughesNet! It is nearly $70 a month for little or no service. If get unlimited download speeds with dsl and cable, but with Hughsnet you get 256 meg for the basic package, and this is not 256 meg at one time. NO this is 256 spread over a 24 hour period, which with all the pop ups and ads on websites that add up quickly, can take you over the limit and then you get dial up speed as a punishment for exceeding the limit, but are still paying for the (LOL) high speed service, thats right you lose the speed for a day but you get to pay for it anyway. Now HughesNet would have you beleive that only a small percentage will throw you over the threshold, but as you will see in a print out of my useage this month and the small amount of downloading that I have done this si not true.

Included first is a copy of the FAP

Fair Access Policy FAQs

Who is affected?Only a small percentage of subscribers will experience reduced download speeds as a result of exceeding the download threshold. Online activities such as viewing Websites, checking email, watching short streaming media presentations, or automatic software and anti-virus updates are unlikely to exceed the download threshold.
What activities may cause a subscriber to exceed their download threshold? Some activities are more likely to exceed the download threshold and trigger the application of the Fair Access Policy. Several examples are listed below:
Full-length movie downloads
Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing programs such as Napster, Kazaa or LimeWire
Continuous downloading or viewing streaming media content such as audio or video programming
Hosting of server devices such as email, FTP or Web servers
Hosting computer applications such as Web camera feeds
Automated computer to computer connections used for archiving of local computer content
Extensive downloading of Usenet Newsgroups (NNTP)
Use of BitTorrent applications
Simultaneous file downloads

Downloading large files (i.e., file sizes that are close in size to the download threshold of your service plan) Excessive downloading or use of the services described above may cause subscribers to be affected by the Fair Access Policy, or in severe cases, to be terminated from the service.

What will my Internet access be like if I exceed the download threshold?When the download threshold is exceeded, you will experience reduced download speeds for approximately 24 hours. During this recovery period, the HughesNet service can still be used for activities such viewing emails and Web surfing, but speeds will be significantly slower than your normal browsing experience.

Note that any of the above will throw you off the high speed highway for 24 hours.

Listed below is some useage from the past month:

More info to follow, join me in the rant!!